Wednesday, June 20, 2007

iPhone... seriously, some day I may stop posting about it

I'm out in the country enjoying a semi-vacation, but I can't help to post... again... about the latest iPhone news. Glass surface and an 8 hour talk-time battery!

Um, yeah... news, sort of. The real question I pose to myself (apparently publicly now) is whether I'm going to be one of the sad suckers camping out to get one of these beauties. After a very nice gift from the girl, I now I have Apple gift cards aplenty to cover the cost. But a first generation electronic device? Isn't there some rule that only suckers buy those, considering the price comes down and the quality goes way up a mere few months later?

This is my disease. Apple knows it... so does Nike, I think. In any event, assuming I have the iPhone next Friday, you better believe I'll be blogging about it...


Jennifer said...

Thanks to Tranquil Space, I found your web site and blog. I love the humor and insightful information woven into your writings. Not to mention, that you offer a fabulous service. I'll be contacting once my site is up and running to start podcasting.

Tim Mooney said...

The nominee for newest favorite reader goes to... Jennifer!

Thanks for checking in!